Happy birthday!
Celebration for Jae's Birthday (11/16/2020)
Huafeng did a JC presentation (10/28/2020)
Welcome Jenny!
Xiaofang present in Chung-Perry joint lab meeting (10/16/2020)
A new research manuscript is accepted and in press at eLife (10/19/2020)
A story that have been incubated for a long time. Congratulations!
http://elifesciences.org/articles/62043, DOI:10.7554/eLife.62043
"Sperm ion channels and transporters in male fertility and infertility" is accepted in Nature Reviews Urology (10/08/2020)
Jae had a update on his project 10/02/2020
Xiaofang had a good progress report (9/25/2020)
Chung lab watched a documentary over zoom after coffee time (2020/09/18)
No lab presentation!